2015년 1월 14일 수요일

Atomy Propolis Toothpaste_ Gel Oral Care Fresh Breath

Atomy Toothpaste

Weight/Size200 grams × 4 tubes
ManufacturerKolmar Korea Co., Ltd
IngredientsSodium monoflurorophosphate, sodium fluoride, Ttriclosan, d-sorbitol solution, polyethylene glycol 1500, carboxymethylcellulose sodium, silicon dioxide, sodium pyrophosphate, hydrated, xylitol, saccharin sodium, sodium lauryl sulfate, green tea extracts, propolis extracts, orange oil, l-menthol, essential oil, citrus perfumes, purified water
Storage Sealed container, room temperature (1~30C)
Expiration36 months from manufacturing date
InstructionsApply appropriate amount on a toothbrush and brush teeth

Dental plaque removing (anti-plaque) effect
Tartar deposition preventing effect
· Dental plaque is often called Plaque and refers to a layer that
bacteria attach to the tooth surface and form in lumps.
· Removes dental plaque by using proper amount of silicon dioxide
· The cause of gingivitis inflammation is tartar and sodium
pyrophosphate prevents tartar deposition.
· Sodium pyrophosphate prevents plaques attached to teeth to be
deposited as tartar.

Dental cavities preventing effect
Bad breath removing effect
Triple complex action of monofluoro phosphate,
sodium fluoride, and xylitol prevents dental cavities
Bad breath is mainly caused by bacterial hydrogen sulfide
or methly mercaptan in mixing organic matters

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